Contact us

Did you know you can contact your GP Practice Online?

Use Patchs to get health advice, answer questions on medication, request a fit note and lots more.

40 Prince’s Gardens, London SW7 ILY

Nearest tube: South Kensington and Knightsbridge

Nearest buses: 360, 14, 74, 414, C1

Reception and telephone
 opening times

If you need help when we are closed

person looking at thermometer

If you want to contact us about a change of address or patient details 

It is very important we have up-to-date information for all our patients, if we don’t then NHS England may remove you from our practice list. 

Please contact us via phone, email or Patchs to let us know a change of details. 


The surgery has been designed for wheelchair access; there is a ramp and all surgeries are situated on the ground floor. 


There are limited car parking facilities.