Imposter Syndrome Webinar 12th February 2025

Imperial College Health Centre invites students to attend a webinar on imposter syndrome.

This webinar is a great fit for anyone who has ever experienced a sense of not being good enough, had thoughts that others are all better than you are, or have felt that you don’t fit in (and are going to be found out as a fake). These are common feelings when you are studying at university or starting a new job.

We will look at…

  • Self esteem and what that actually is.
  • How we over-emphasise our own thoughts and internal reality and ignore what is (and what is not) happening in the ‘real’ world. 
  • Winning the heart vs. mind battle.
  • The importance of ‘mentalisation’ and practicing this skill.
  • Positive engagement with people and projects, getting what we want from life rather than defending our fears.

And by attending the webinar you can…

  • Take confidence from knowing the source of your imposter syndrome is not you, but what you have experienced.
  • Reduce anxiety and improve your sense of identity.
  • Improve relationships and feel more included.
  • Be more productive in work. 

The webinars will be presented by Dr David Leigh-Smith. Interactions during the webinars are encouraged. However, students can chose how much they participate with the rest of the group.

These webinars are for students studying at Imperial College, Royal College of Art and Royal College of Music. Click book below to reserve a space. You will receive a calendar invite.

Book Webinar

Webinars usually start at 6.00pm and will last for approximately 90mins.